Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can occur in individuals who have developed a physical alcohol dependence and suddenly stop or reduce their alcohol consumption.
These symptoms can range from mild to severe. They can include tremors, sweating,…
Vivitrol Side Effects
Vivitrol is a medication used to treat alcohol and opioid dependence. It is a long-acting injection that is administered once a month. Although it can be an effective treatment option, it is not without its side effects. Some common Vivitrol…
Vivitrol Shot
New treatment approaches have emerged due to recent advances in understanding the neurobiological impacts of alcohol dependency and other substances. Long-term abstinence is possible with the aid of medicine, and Vivitrol is one option among…
Vivitrol for Alcohol
Contrary to popular belief, overcoming an addiction is not a matter of sheer willpower. Although the individual’s free will plays a role in recovering from an addiction, there are also brain factors calling for medical assistance rather than…
Risk Factors of Prescription Opioid Overdose
Opioids are legitimately used to relieve pain, but they carry serious hazards to individuals and society, including the potential for abuse, addiction, overdose, and death. In 2015, over 15,000 people died from taking prescription opioids (not…
Marijuana Treatment Without Insurance
To this day, marijuana is the most widely used of all drugs that are banned at the federal level in the United States. Over 49 million users (or over 18% of Americans aged 12 or older) said they used it in 2020.7 5.1% of the population (about…
How Can I Go to Rehab for Free
Lost of people asks, how can I go to rehab for free? Going to rehab is not easy. In fact, making the decision alone is one of the hardest things anyone with an addiction will ever have to make. But it is necessary to take control of your life.…
Barriers To Recovery
National Recovery Month (or Recovery Month) is held every September in observance of addiction treatment. Throughout the month, evidence-based treatment and recovery practices are promoted and supported by members of the community as it surrounds…
Medicaid Substance Abuse Coverage
A study by WalletHub in 2019 ranked Colorado as 9th in the US in terms of the highest rates of substance abuse cases and the most people needing addiction treatment and did not receive it. In short, Denver has a serious alcohol abuse problem.
Medicaid Rehab in Colorado
Receiving substance abuse treatment is vital for long-term recovery. Hardships and struggles are a part of everyday living but can have drastic effects on those battling addiction and substance dependency. Many people may try to quit on their…