Colorado State Funded Drug Rehab

Colorado State Funded Drug Rehab | Alpine Recovery Center

One of the most challenging aspects of life is how problems can build on each other. A single problem, like a car breaking down or a home furnace needing to be repaired, can be the first step in a pattern of stress and debt. But these build over time and can take massive jumps with the unexpected loss of a loved one or being laid off from a job.

The worst part of this is the silent danger lurking behind the scenes. Many people will attempt to self-medicate with a beer after work, or a glass of wine to wind down for the night. But one easily becomes two, and two becomes five. It can slowly seep into other areas of life, compounding the other problems already being faced. It’s not uncommon to then find yourself in a financially burdened situation while having to come to terms with alcohol addiction.

The good news is there are Colorado state funded drug rehab programs for just such a situation, so don’t lose hope.

Colorado State Funded Drug Rehab

Alcohol Use Disorder

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH) describes alcoholism as a medical condition characterized by the inability to control or stop alcohol use despite its adverse consequences and effects on family and friends.

It is also known as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and is considered a brain disorder. AUD can either be mild, severe, or moderate and causes lasting changes to the brain. According to experts, genetics is the number one cause and risk factor for alcoholism. Most people with a family history of alcoholism are at a greater risk of becoming alcoholics compared to those who do not have this history.

Finding alcohol abuse programs in Colorado can feel taxing. There are several options and approaches to addressing problematic drinking, and it’s essential to understand what best suits your particular lifestyle or situation. Contact us at the Alpine Recovery Center for more information. We are the best Colorado Medicaid alcohol rehab program. Call us at 720-704-2883.

Accessibility To Rehab Treatment In Colorado

Your best bet for treatment when you have an addiction is rehab. Enrolling in a program specifically aimed at helping certain types of drug and alcohol rehabilitation will give the highest chances of success, and there are several treatment options in Colorado, such as the AspenRidge Recovery Center, that you can consider.

However, the cost is one of the biggest challenges in receiving the required treatment. Rehab is not cheap. Some of the expenses you would expect to incur for rehab in Colorado include:

  • Detox – Detox in Colorado can range between $1,000 and $1,500. This is a medically supervised detox.
  • In-Patient Rehab – In-patient rehabs are expensive and can cost between $6,000 and up to $20,000, depending on your chosen rehab clinic. This will also depend on whether you decide on a 30-day or 60-day stay.
  • Outpatient Rehab – Outpatient rehab can cost around $5,000 for a three-month program.

The cost of rehab is one of the main reasons people suffering from alcohol use disorder cannot access treatment.

Medicaid – Colorado State Funded Drug Rehab

Medicaid is one of the most popular methods of Colorado State funded drug rehab clinics. It is an excellent option for people with limited to no means to get help when they need drug or alcohol treatment. If you do not have private health insurance, Medicaid is a great option.

Medicaid - Colorado State Funded Drug Rehab

What Does The Colorado Medicaid Addiction Center Cover?

The Colorado Medicaid program covers substance use disorder, mental health, and other behavioral services.

Other services include:

  • A medically assisted detox.
  • Alcohol and drug assessment.
  • Outpatient day treatment.
  • Drug monitoring and screening.
  • Medication-assisted treatment.
  • In-patient hospital treatment.
  • Behavioral health therapy and counseling for family and individuals.
  • Withdrawal management.
  • Family therapy.
  • Safety assessment, such as suicide ideation.
  • School-based mental health services.
  • Emergency crisis services.

Risks Associated With Continued Drinking

Over time, excessive alcohol use will lead to serious health issues. These include:

  • High blood pressure – This can be accompanied by strokes, heart disease, digestive problems, and liver disease
  • Cancer – Mouth, breast, throat, voice box, esophagus, rectum, and colon cancer are all associated with excessive drinking.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Memory and learning problems include poor performance in school, and are also connected with dementia.
  • Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Social related problems.

Treating Alcoholism in Colorado

Treating Alcoholism in Colorado

The most significant decision a person with an alcohol addiction can do is to seek treatment. There are several options available for alcohol addiction treatment, which include:


Detox is the process of eliminating all of the toxins in your body. This is the first step in alcohol treatment. It is an intense treatment that MUST be done in a rehab clinic or under medical supervision.


Rehabilitation is the best option for alcohol treatment. It allows the person with an addiction to leave all their triggers and stresses behind and concentrate on getting better.

Usually, you can choose between:

  • In-patient rehab treatment – This is where you live in the rehab clinic for several weeks as your receive intensive treatment for your addiction.
  • Outpatient treatment – where you attend day treatment option at a rehab clinic near you. In this case, you do not reside at the clinic.

Support Groups

Support groups such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other 12-step programs are popular. They provide peer support for anyone dealing with substance abuse who is willing to quit.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis diagnoses a person with addiction as having two conditions – an alcohol or drug problem and a mental health disorder.

A good rehab clinic in Colorado should be able to provide this service, as most people suffering from alcohol addiction will most often also suffer from mental health problems.

AspenRidge – Alpine Recovery Center

At the AspenRidge Recovery Center, we are an established Colorado Medicaid addiction center. We offer online and in-person substance abuse treatment for adults covered by Medicaid. We work hard to ensure you achieve sobriety and success in your journey.

We provide lasting solutions and outpatient care programs to individuals and their families suffering from these conditions. Call us today at 720-704-2883 if you are wondering how can I go to rehab for free?

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